Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero, also known as Eledees: The Adventures of Kai and Zero in Europe, is an action video game developed and published by Konami and released for the Nintendo DS in 2008. It is the sequel to Elebits.
Kai and Zero were exploring behind the hills of town one day. They find an old abandoned house so they decide to explore it. Inside they find a bus, which can travel to different dimensions.
Elebits: The Adventures of Kai and Zero is an action game that departs from the style of gameplay used in the first game. The game plays now in a top down view and contains puzzles that need to be solved in order to progress through the game. The player will traverse a total of 7 worlds, all having different themes and different kind of puzzles.
Kai, helped with Zero, will have to use the Capture Gun in order to capture small creatures, known as Elebits. The creatures once captured, produce a certain amount of watts (depending of the type of Elebit) that is then used to activate the elevators and doors. There are also Omega Elebits to collect, each having their own ability and are needed in order to solve some puzzles.